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SystemVerilog Tutorial PART 13:  by Abhiram Rao

Classes in SystemVerilog- 3



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Derived Class

 Ok, this example builds on example1.  Here we show how to make derived classes.  Derived classes can have 2 purposes. One is to extend the functionality of the base class to do more stuff  the other is to restrict, limit or refine the functionality of the base class.  There is a third purpose, see example3.  In this example, we will extend the base class house blueprint  with additional functionality, which would naturally be to  add second floor  we will also refine the example, to expand the light switch  functionality so that there can be more than one switch in  the living room.




program example_classes();

// here is the same house blueprint from example1

   class House_Blueprint;

   // first we declare variables that define general properities
   // of all houses even though a specific house will
   // have unique data

   int number_of_rooms;
   bit family_room_lightswitch;
   static string street_name; // all homes here share the same street name

   // on building a house, initialize defaults
   // and build the house based on argument liss

   function new(int rooms, string street = "");
       if (street != "")
          street_name = street;
          number_of_rooms = rooms;
          family_room_lightswitch = 0;

   // we can flip the lights of a specific house with
   // a method call
   task hit_the_switch() ;
       family_room_lightswitch = !family_room_lightswitch;

   // we can return values in function calls
   function bit lights() ;
        lights = family_room_lightswitch;


// now we are going to create a subclass which uses all
// the existing functionality, but adds a second floor

class Monster_House_Blueprint extends House_Blueprint;

   // add in a second floor number of rooms
   int second_story_rooms;
   int first_story_rooms;

   //change the lightswitch functionality
   bit [1:0] family_room_lightswitch;

   function new(int rooms, string street = "");

      // super is used to access the base class
      // methods and data. If new has an arg list,
      // you MUST call super.new for it.
      super.new(rooms, street);

      // here we can access data of both the derived and base class
      second_story_rooms = number_of_rooms /2 ;
      first_story_rooms = number_of_rooms - second_story_rooms ;

      // since I have redefined family_room_lightswitch,
      // I need to take data out of the super class
      // and put it here, since the super.new used it.

      // note the use of this and super

      this.family_room_lightswitch = super.family_room_lightswitch;


   // since I changed the family_room_lightswitch, the methods
   // have to be changed too, to access the derived data

   task hit_the_switch() ;
      case (family_room_lightswitch)
         2'b11: family_room_lightswitch = 2'b00;
         2'b00: family_room_lightswitch = 2'b11;
         default: family_room_lightswitch = 2'b00;


   // we can return values in function calls
   function bit[1:0] lights() ;
          lights = family_room_lightswitch;


Monster_House_Blueprint red, blue, yellow, green;
// here we declare handles pointing to the Monster House.
// now we can immediately take advantage of the new

int result;



        // red now points to a home with 4 rooms,
        //2 on floor 0, and 2 on floor 1
        red = new(4, "middlefield");

        // green now points to a home with 6 rooms
        // 3 on floor 0 and 3 on floor 1
        // note the second arg is missing!
        // Don't worry: Its a default arguement, so its optional
        green = new(6);

        // here we turn on the light switch in the red house
        // by accessing the method

        // we can do the same thing by directly accessing the variable,
        // as long as it is a public variable
        // note that while this is less coding, the purpose of
        // methods is to check the input and do the calculations
        // to prevent introduction of incorrect data
        // (i.e. -1 rooms wouldn't make sense )
        red.family_room_lightswitch = 1;

        // here we can get the results of the lights being on or off
        // in the room. Note the red house and the green house
        // are based on the same blueprint, but have different
        // values
        result = red.lights();
        result = green.lights();



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